Test Grade Calculator
Welcome to our test grade calculator. This tool is designed to help you quickly and easily calculate your grade based on the total number of test questions and the number of wrong answers. Simply input this information and let our calculator do the rest.
At the bottom of the calculator is a quick grading table. It shows the grade for all possible number of wrong answers. This makes it fast to grade a whole stack of tests.
Calculator Instructions:
Follow these instructions to use our test grade calculator:
- Enter the total number of test questions in the first input field. You can use the plus / minus buttons to quickly add or subtract numbers to this input field.
- Enter the number of questions you got wrong in the second field. You can also use the plus / minus buttons to quickly change the value in this input field.
Your test grade will automatically be calculated once these two values are entered.
How to calculate your test grade?
- First, determine the total number of questions on the test.
- Then count the number of incorrectly answered questions.
- Next, subtract the number of wrong questions from the total number of test questions.
- Then divide the result from step 3 by the total number of questions.
- Last, multiple the result from step 4 by 100 to determine your grade.
Grade Percentage Formula
grade percentage = ((total number of test questions - number wrong) / total number of test questions) * 100
Example Calculation
- For this example, let's assume there are 50 problems on a test. The total number of questions is equal to 50.
- Let's also assume that the student got 8 questions wrong. Therefore the number of questions wrong is equal to 8.
- Now subtract the number of wrong questions from the total number of test questions. That give us 50 - 8 = 42.
- Now divide the result from step 3 by the total number of test questions. That gives us 42 / 50 = 0.84.
- To get the grade as a percentage, multiple the result from step 4 by 100. In this example, the grade percentage is 0.84 x 100 = 84.00%.
Thanks for using our test grade calculator. We hope it has been helpful in calculating your test grade. Be sure and share this calculator with your friends and classmates!